Show Me Deaf Community is a b/vlog about what I see and what the Deaf Community show me in daily life. The author is a.k.a. Deaf Advocate on other blogs. He believes in Deaf Advocacy and the rights of the Deaf in all aspects of life from birth to grave. It is a human right and a testimony to facts of life affecting the deaf community. He firmly believes in Laurent Clerc and his contributions to the New World. George Veditz is another one! He predicted videophones in 1913!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Open Letter about not supporting HB1367
Dear Hear Indiana, AGBAD, Rep. Noe, Governor Daniels and those who are selfish and not listening to us,
I would like to share my personal story about how oralism affected me. It was depressing and frustrating putting up with hearing people fighting over the choices of communication.
I have taken other languages such as Latin and French as well as some Spanish. I have not seen anyone fighting over how those languages should be used. Only debate is the accent and the grammar.
Yet, you and AGBAD continue to put ASL in the negative spotlight. Come one! Will you please quit playing games with us?
Your actions prove that you are corrupting and antogonizing our Deaf lives with your hidden agenda and motivation to satisfy your own selves.
I have been oralist and asl user. I have been to both sides of fence - oralist and signer….I wish oral school never existed. I have been exposed to abuses and ignorances. I have grown up naively thinking asl is bad.
That was what some teachers told me. ASL is for stupid people. ASL is low class. Don’t do it. It is better to use your voice and speak.
Years of practice yields more bullshit! I am trying to “deprogram” myself away from audism and be more advocate for ASL and proud Deaf culture. I may be angry at them for abusing me, but I have learned to move on.
I was slammed on both hands with a wooden ruler by an angry oral teacher!!! Geez whiz! What is their frigging problem? They were so manipulative and selfish! So damn arrogant about their actions and how they wanted to control deaf children. It is an abuse!
This is going on for 132 years! Can we stamp out audism? It is imperative that we take action to reverse the trend!
Paul Kiel
January 21, 2012