Tuesday, December 4, 2007


When I read the letter and memo that AG Bell distributed, it reeks of ignorance and audism. It is the same ignorance that the hearing people as well as those brown nosed deafies have perpetuated since 1880.

See link about that letter: AG BELL LETTER/MEMO

It is still 128 years of oppression, ignorance, egoism, paternalism, and perpetuation of lies fostered by AG Bell and his cronies.

Don't you see the truth that happened in the late 19th century? He stole the invention of telephone from Meucci? Once a liar is always a liar!

Anyone who kisses up or follow AG Bell are considered the enemy of the D/deaf.

This is becoming a reality of Deaf Wars. It has been going on since 1880.

I congratulate DBC of Indiana for doing good job as well as DBC. I will give my support to DBC for the rest of my breathing life.

I am pleased with its website as well as its mission statement.

This is long overdue.

I am victim of oral abuses so I know what it has been like being in oral programs that are moot with the needs of deaf community.

May the force be with us!

Paul =)