Monday, February 26, 2007

THE OSCARS GALA was fun last night!


The party was held last night at GSLAD Hall sponsored by RTR and GSLAD.

There were fun and games. We get to pick which groups such as director, screen, actors, actresses, music, animation, etc that may have won Oscar. We had fun predicting who won the Oscars. Everyone got prizes and gifts to take home. Vegetable trays and pizzas were served. Drinks were sold. We enjoyed the big screen as well as other televisions. The decorations were lovely at the hall. They even had red carpet from front door to the party room. Movie posters and decorations were everywhere. Indeed, it was a red carpet treatment. It is like being in Hollywood!

Was that Michael Moore? No, that's Paul. He has aspirations to win an Oscar! Be sure to watch for future videos at DEAF-IMAGES

BE SURE TO GO AGAIN NEXT YEAR! You can be sorry if you miss it! I had a good time!
